Saturday, 18 October 2008

Butterfly in My Eye


As 'butterflies' can be in your stomach when you meet your crush, butterfly can also be in your eyes..(whattt??)

This is a medical condition called Pterygium Conjunctiva. The word pterygium means wings in Greek.

Conjunctiva is the outermost layer of your eyeball.It is a clear membrane that covers the sclera (white part of the eye) and lines the inside of the eyelids It is made of lymphoid tissue (lymphoid tissues are providing the defence for the eye against bacterias etc).

Pterygium Conjunctiva

Pterygium Conjunctiva is a condition where there is thickening of the area of conjunctiva that can grow and grow into the cornea forming a wing-like shape.

There isnt a definite etiology(cause) for this condition. But research has shown that it can be caused by long term exposure to sunlight UV rays. So people who work long hours in the sun can have this effect in the long run. It can also reoccur.

Picture:wing-like growth of conjunctival thickness, which is starting to interfere with cornea. When this happen, our visual field will be affected.

In mild cases, you will be given lubricant eyedrops.
Surgery is indicated when the growth affect the vision of the patient. This is done by using microscopic-assisted surgery by cutting up these thick layer part.
Latest technic is a no-stitch surgery but instead using a gluelike substance. Im not sure what technic they are using in Malaysia though.

SUNGLASSES in the sun is VITAL. Those funky shades that wrap around the eyes are better. Avoid sunglasses which have large gaps between the eyes.And wear a hat. Prevention is better than treating.Plus, you'd look me!! (hee hee)

u see what i mean?


p/s: i would want to do an entry on contraception too. but now im studying opthalmology. be patient ok guys.. i cant, because im gonna be a doctor...LOL.. (er..again, attempt to crack joke=failed..urghhh)


Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Basic Stroke


Stroke is when your brain does not receive the adequate amount of blood supply which would lead brain tissue damage. .maybe due to loss of blood (after injury) or not enough blood.


Stroke can be caused by ruptured vessels of the brain due to hemorrhage (in this case it is called hemorrhagic stroke) and it can also caused by not having enough blood supply due to the blockage of the brain vessels (aka cerebral vessels), blockage maybe due to "fatty balls" stuck within the wall of the vessel, maybe due to diseases like artherosclerosis (later will be explained further). In this case the stroke is called ischemic stroke.blockage vessels restricts the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the brain.

So 2 types of stroke. hemorrhagic and ischemic!!

hemorrhage=blood loss caused by bleeding within the brain or surrounding tissues

ischemic= not enough blood caused by a blockage in a blood vessel

How to get stroke =) [ Risk Factors]

risk factors differ for both types.

for hemorrhagic stroke, the risk factors are smoking, high blood pressure, illegal drug use

for ischemic stroke, the risk factors are age (greater than 40 have higher risk!), heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and more (you can always search you know =p )


doctors must find out which stroke you have because the treatment is different for each type of stroke =)

hemorrhagic stroke:

doctors will first determining the cause of the bleeding, later blood pressure will be controlled. dr will ask the patient to stop any medications that can increase bleeding (such as aspirin and warfarin). the main principle is to stop bleeding!

ischemic stroke:

the aim is to restore blood flow!!we need blood to the brain as quickly ASAP! Doctors uses drugs such as thrombolytics to lyse (to destroy/to liquidize) the thrombus (which is like a blood clot,like small balls of blood clot). so after the thrombus is lysed, the passage of the vessels will be cleared, so blood can flow back to normal!!

doctors will also uses aspirin (anticoagulant) to liquidify the blood clots. gasppppp!!

remember aspirin??using it could treat and could also kill!!that is why it is important to know the type of stroke the patient has!!!
.............................................................. this help? please leave comment/questions in the comment area below.
i need input from you guys!!!im not talking by myself again am i????

ok.up next would be...let see...ok there are just too many diseases, what about child birth?or how to diagnose pregnancy?

whatever you wanna can ask me!!! (i will TRY answer.make sure you give your name and where you're from too,just to get to know the readers..). I tried making the posts more friendly and fun..but its still NOT FUN!! =/

bye =)


Wednesday, 28 May 2008


Lordosis is the abnormal increase in normal lordotic (anterior) curvature of the lumbar spine. This can lead to a noticeable "sway-back" appearance.

Lordosis can be caused by:

1) pregnancy
2) obesity
3) prolapsed disc (disc is plates of your vertebrae/you back bone. prolapsed: means falling?)
4) medical dzs : osteoarthritis, spinal arthritis

bla bla..

like anyone would read..but wuteva!

Thursday, 22 May 2008


Do you know what is seizure?

Seizure is when you have uncontrolled repeated body part movement,more or less like a jerking effect. Your hands and legs would shake so fast because of involuntary muscle contraction. Your eyes would turn upward.Seizure can be due to intoxication,sepsis (when bacteria invade our body..) or it can be due to a genetic defect..

Do you have more than one seizure attack in your life? Then maybe you have a condition called epilepsy.

What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a chronic disease with repeated seizures with other attacks,you would lose consciousness and you can also have a change in personality.

Why do people suffer from epilepsy?

The reason varies depending on group of ages. Some babies experience epilepsy when he/she is hypoxic (meaning you dont get enough oxygen), or maybe because of genetic defect in metabolism or maybe other perinatal disturbance. (perinatal means any period immediately after birth or before delivery)

Young adults may suffer from epilepsy after head trauma (trauma meaning injury resulted by strong force of impact on the area of your head). Some due to development of tumor.

For older people, epilepsy can occur if they have ischemic stroke (stroke is when you dont have enough blood going through to your brain blood vessels)

[under sleepy]

Sunday, 27 April 2008

My Pneumonia Experience

I was unfortunate to experience this condition during my holidays in the summer few years back home in Malaysia. It was just like any other fever for me, the temperature, the headache, the cough. Peculiarly, I also have had excessive sweating all over my body especially at night.
A week passed and I felt weaker and weaker by day. It was so tormenting I found myself crying myself to sleep each of the nights in my room.

I found myself in and out of clinics, being prescribed a lot of antibiotics (but never noted which then I know nothing about antibiotic so I never really take note). As the fever carried on and off for 2 weeks, with night sweats, neverending cough, I 'thankfully' vomit real bad one night which thankfully lead my parents to finally decide that I have to go to the hospital for real checkup.

Xrays showed my left lower lobe are mildly perfused,having light shadows of pneumonia patches.

A patient with pneumonia seen with large focal consolidation in the left mid-lung.(source)

I was admitted that night and spend 4/5 days in the Hospital Kajang ward.
I was prescribed erythromycin, augmentin and have had to inhale menthol vapour (im not sure what its called tho..sorry :p). Oh and also some parenteral fluid therapy (injected into my vessel) to keep me hydrated (ie to maintain fluids in my body), also Ive read somewhere that it is also to encourage coughing to get rid of the gooey stuffs hehe.

Pneumonia is very common with people with low immune system, that is why we always encounter patients who have AIDS have pneumonia because their immune system is compromised.

The most dangerous type of pneumonia is those caused by bacteria with genus Klebsiella. This is because Klebsiella pneumonia are necrotizing process (necrosis = death of cells) to our lungs. We can detect this if our expelled sputum have a beefy-like smell in addition to above mentioned symptoms.

Klebsiella pneumonia can kill. It kills approx 50% of patients even with antimicrobial therapy. (source)

For medical students:

1)click here for basic diagnostics from Wikipedia.
2) click here for interactive pneumonia lesson with MedlinePlus.

Saturday, 26 April 2008

Rus Meds: exam exam exam : therapy checklist

For Russian meds

Click here for Therapy Exam Checklist

Below are my part of the answers for our malaysian batch mission to answer all questions provided in the checklist
Q.15 Дыхание : плеврит и Q.39 медикаментозное лечение язвенные болезни желудка & 12-перстной кишки


In my next discussion, My real life experience of Pneumonia =)


Gaster - stands for stomach in Latin. The suffix -tis at the back shows some sort of swelling (medical term for swelling: inflammation). Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach's internal mucous layer.

Within the lining of our stomach, a number of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori live within this lining. Unless being provoked by high acidity of the stomach, these bacterias would not 'come out and play' in our stomach resulting a few changes within the structure of the stomach.

A person with gastritis can feel pain at the epigastric part of the abdomen. Epigastric part of the abdomen are located below your lowest rib arch. Can you feel it near your chest? It is painful here during gastritis because our stomach lies at around that area.

When you have gastritis, it is advisable that you drink milk and eat bread with yogurt as these are very good at lowering the acidity of your stomach. Avoid eating sour products like green apples,oranges for a while as they are very acidic. Take a small towel and run hot water on it (not too hot), rinse and place the towel on your stomach. This may sooth your pain as you will focus on the warmth of the towel,not the pain. Avoid taking any aspirin as this might worsen your condition,aspirin are for fever,not stomach ache.

Visit doctor if you suddenly have rashes around your stomach area with fever as this is a very dangerous condition called typhoid fever.

Thats all from me today;)

Thanks for reading. Please spread information to others =)
